Photo Dump: Leaves of Grass

12 08 2009

Half Poster

Let me make you a pitch: Edward Norton plays two characters – one a stoner, oneĀ  an Ivy League Professor. After the Ivy League professor returns home, his brother gets him caught up in a scheme to take down a local druglord. Susan Sarandon, Keri Russell, and Richard Dryfuss co-star, as does Tim Blake Nelson, who is also writing and directing.

It has win written all over it.

Because the film is premiering at the Toronto Film Festival, they have put up three photos from the film and it already looks great. It looks like it has a Pineapple Express vibe and lord knows I loved that movie. Norton doesn’t do a lot of comedy, but he certainly has the chops for it. Expect to read a lot more about this film, especially on this site closer to its wide release. Check out the photos, as well as the full poster, after the jump.

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