That’s What She Said: Year One Synopsis

6 10 2009

Every now and then we come across something that sums up our feelings so well we could not have said it better ourselves. This gem of a bootleg DVD synopsis comes via Filmdrunk so don’t forget to head there for the full story, but it expresses our thoughts on Year One perfectly.

“Jack Black and Michael Cera playing themselves, yeah, where was that even considered funny? Now I absolutely adore these actors, Michael was a great choice in Superbad and Juno and Jack Black has proved he can do great comedy like Tropic Thunder and a good dramatic role like King Kong, even a more calm character like he played in The Holiday. But the main problem? They have no chemistry! You have this wild outgoing maniac who is eating poop(eeeew!) and the calm awkward overly shy nerd who pees on himself(eeew!) and what do you have? Every elementary school joke that could be put into a movie, Year One could have been written by a five year old and proves that top list actors will do anything for those millions that they make.”

Now that’s how you sell a movie! Until next time, that’s what she said, because Michael Scott is always funny.

Out Now: Trick ‘r Treat / Year One / Anvil! The Story of Anvil

6 10 2009

out now 10-06-09

More good than bad! I hardly ever get to say that here, but this week’s DVD releases give us two truly fantastic films that you should get your hands on. Check out the details after the jump. Read the rest of this entry »

It’s A Good Day To Be A Bluth

5 10 2009

Arrested Development

It has been three long years since Mitchell Hurwitz’ groundbreaking comedy Arrested Development was canceled by Fox, earning the ire of thousands and a cult status on DVD. Since its cancellation, fans have been waiting with bated breath for a movie to come out about the Bluth family (the last line of the show was “I don’t see it as a series, maybe a movie”), but despite everyone being on-board – including the illusive Michael Cera – the project has hit stall after stall, with a different cast member confirming or denying the project every few weeks. Now it appears that Arrested Development fans may finally get their wish: the screenplay is officially being written.

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Watch It!: Superbad Cartoon

17 09 2009

Superbad Cartoon

Don’t get your panties in a bunch: they are not making a tv series out of Superbad (yet…). Steve Falzone, (YouTube user stevefalz), on the other hand, did decide, for whatever reason, to animate the scene where Fogel (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) first gets his I.D. and shows it to Seth (Jonah Hill) and Evan (Michael Cera). Why was this video made? I don’t know and I don’t really care. Are you really going to complain about more Superbad in your life? Video after the jump. Read the rest of this entry »

Trailer: Youth in Revolt

25 08 2009

Youth in Revolt

Let’s face a simple fact: Micheal Cera has become a one-note joke. Sure, we all loved him on “Arrested Development” and in Superbad where he played the shy, nervous toddler/teenager. But then he did Juno…and Nick and Norah’s Infinate Playlist…and Year One… where he played the shy nervous toddler/teenager. But now we have the new trailer for Youth in Revolt and I am a bit confused. Read the rest of this entry »

Weekend Preview: Don’t See Joe

7 08 2009

I’ll start off this article by putting it bluntly: don’t see G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. It simply isn’t worth your time and money. That said, here is your weekend preview:

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