Review: Zombieland

5 10 2009


For all their problems, (unquenchable thirst for brains, bad skin, etc.) audiences have always had a soft spot for zombies. The only thing better than the undead is taking them out with a shotgun and fortunately Zombieland has plenty of both. While a number of familiar elements will lend themselves to comparing it to Shaun of the Dead, Ruben Fleischer’s directorial debut manages to stand on its on as a silly but fun Zom-Rom-Com (Zombie Romance Comedy) reminder to enjoy the little things.

We are introduced to our hero Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg channeling Michael Cera) a skinny, nebbish college kid trekking his way through a United States that is now almost entirely taken over by zombies. We aren’t given any backstory or explanation why there is a zombie infestation, and frankly we don’t need one. Far from the social commentary that has taken over the zombie genre, Columbus is just a kid trying to stay alive using his rules for surviving Zombieland, and the movie just wants to have a good time. Read the rest of this entry »