Watch It!: The Best Parts of Every Ernest Movie Ever

25 08 2009


For those that don’t know, in the late 1980s/early 1990s, Jim Varney starred in a series of movies with the reccurring character of Ernest P. Worrell. While every movie had Ernest going to a new location, be it camp, jail, splash mountain, the army, etc., all of the films had one thing in common: they were incredibly awful. Always the butt of punch-lines and never delivering them, the films were simply annoying and nobody over the age of five could ever find any humor in them. Comedian Adam Newman, though, has made a video that seems to pose a question: if you take all of the annoying things Ernest did and push them together as a montage, would it cease to be annoying and, rather, become funny? Only you can answer that question. Check it out after the jump.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

I will choose this point in time to say RIP Jim Varney. Thank you for Slinky Dog.



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