Angelina Jolie in Wanted 2?

2 09 2009

One of last summer’s surprise hits Wanted, based on Mark Millar (Kick-Ass) and J.G. Jones’ comic, may be getting back a fox. Director Timur Bekmambetov has made no secret of the fact that he wants Angelina Jolie back as her character Fox in the sequel to Wanted. In an interview with MTV he revealed just how he might make that happen. Read the rest of this entry »

Lionsgate to Distribute Kick-Ass

17 08 2009


Wow, today is a good day for geek movies. District 9 opens at number one,  Avatar Day tickets have come up online (not really, but more about that later) and Lionsgate has officially be chosen to distribute Kick Ass, the surprise smash from this year’s San Diego Comic Con and adaptation of Mark Millar’s series. From the press release: Read the rest of this entry »